Show and Tell

Perhaps you can share something – an item, a video, an experience – to bring concepts to life in the classroom?


Professor: Dr. Laya Gonzales
Subject: Fine Arts

Intended Learning Outcome: For students to apply the theory in the actual practice of appreciating art.

Feedback & Comments:
  • Particularly for art subjects, this works best for on-campus/f2f classes. Seeing things in person make a huge difference for this type of activity.
  • A similar method can be employed for other subjects, by giving students hands-on activities that help them apply the concepts in the real world. For example, a student recommended that for Economics, “being allowed to use software programs, or even excel-automated sheets… where they can apply all the theories learned in class to some macroeconomic situation presented via variables”
  • Other subjects may also consider case studies, possibly using real life companies and events, to allow students better connect their concepts to things that actually happen. For professors that are practitioners of their subject, sharing your personal anecdotes and experiences in the PH context, or inviting some of your work colleagues/friends to share theirs, also help students better appreciate the concept.

It is where I learned to appreciate art. It was like a “eureka moment” because prior to that activity, we were just looking at artworks through pictures. But seeing it live makes appreciating art not only understanding the theories discussed, but actually experiencing them.

The thing about just learning theories is that it simply doesn’t work in making students understand. We need to apply it creatively in such a way that students, more than just learning it, appreciates the subject more precisely because of its practice and practicality.

– Student

U.N.I.T.A.S. Design Principles demonstrated in this design pattern:
U.N.I.T.A.S. Design PrinciplesApplication
Understands the learnerThese types of activities make the learning experience real and relatable for the students, as they get to see concepts applied to real life.
Achieves learning goalsStudents are better able to internalize and apply what they learn in class when they are able to see them beyond quizzes and papers.

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