This course is intended to provide UA&P faculty, both full-time and part-time, with the pedagogical and technical knowledge needed to develop and deliver fully-online courses. The course discusses fundamentals of online teaching and learning such as pedagogical principles, educational psychology, and available technological platforms. Alongside these foundational concepts, professors get to practice setting up their online classrooms and activities through practical applications and simulations. All these aim to develop the teaching staff’s competence and confidence with the online delivery of their courses.
We had a pilot run (from May 2020 to June 2020) which really helped us understand what worked and what could be improved.
We then created the official LTTO and launched it on June 15, 2020. Here, we redesigned some assessments based on the feedback we received from the pilot run, we added an introductory module to help professors navigate through the course, and we even added a badge which professors could earn once they complete the course! Since then, we have also created an Abridged version of the course for those professors who have already received Canvas training from other teaching jobs and the like.