Spice up traditional essays with images!
Professor: Dr. Philip Paje
Subject: Asia Pacific Studies
Intended Learning Outcome: Look for an image that best describes the topic or best answers the essay question.

Feedback and Comments
- Design the essay questions in a way that the stories the students submit should tell a story. This way, by the end of the semester, the students will have a complete story of what they learned.
- This is best done as an Assignment (online submission) which students do not have to submit right away. This way, students have time to look for photos online or take their own photos.
“I remember thinking this was a [different] assignment. I liked the mental exercise of finding a single image, writing a one-sentence caption, and relating it to the course content.” – Student
U.N.I.T.A.S. Design Principles demonstrated in this design pattern
Understands the learner | This spices things up for students as it veers away from a traditional essay. |
Achieves learning goals | The students will answer the essay questions and will integrate what they have learned throughout the semester. |
Systematically reviews and improves the learning experience | The teacher can gauge which topics/points stuck out to the students based on their final collages. |