Terminology Tournament

Professor: Dr. Asuncion Magsino
Subject: Philosophical Anthropology

Intended Learning Outcome: The students will use their prior knowledge to think critically about what the definition of a term might be, before the actual definition is revealed to them.

Feedback and Comments:

  • This can be a helpful activity if you want to warm up your students’ critical thinking muscles and to activate their prior knowledge. It’s a good way to help them engage with the lesson, even if they don’t know much about it yet, without spoon feeding them.
  • This would be best done face to face so that students can physically line up according to their answers and students can discuss and debate in person.
    • Modifications can be done to do this online. For instance, teachers can use the Poll feature on Google Meet to track which option each student chose. You can also create something more interactive using Miro, etc.
    • The activity can also be done in a Blended Mode – the teacher just needs to make sure both online and onsite students get to participate in the discussion/debate.
  • This design pattern can be modified in several ways! Instead of terminology, you can also do cause and effect, logic, (If A, then B vs If A, then C), etc.

“I found this activity to be quite fun! Since most of us in the class were 1st year students, we were not yet exposed to Philosophical concepts and were therefore unfamiliar with a lot of the terms. It was fun to lightheartedly debate why we thought this definition was right and the other definition was wrong. Dr. Magsino was also able to explain the correct answer well, which made the team that chose the wrong definition understand why the correct definition was in fact the correct one.”

– Student

U.N.I.T.A.S. Design Principles demonstrated in this design pattern:

U.N.I.T.A.S. Design PrinciplesApplication
Understands the learner• Teachers will get to see students’ starting knowledge.
• This activity can be delivered as a lighthearted game, which students tend to enjoy.
Inspires curiosity and self-developmentThis activity encourages critical thinking.
Achieves learning goalsStudents will familiarize themselves with the subject’s key terms.

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