This is likely because your class is still unpublished.

Go to the ‘Courses’ tab [1], then click ‘All Courses [2].’ Check all the subjects listed, as even unpublished classes will appear.

Active courses that are available to you are listed in blue text [1]. These courses have been published and include a link to the course. To open a course, click the name of the course. Courses that are within the current term dates but are not yet available are listed in black text [2]. These courses have not been published.
If your missing class is not listed, kindly email [email protected] with the following information:
- Class TItle
- Section
- Professor (if available)
- Proof of enrollment (EmpowerED screenshot and/or RC)
UNITAS Connect will then forward this to the Registrar’s Office to confirm your enlistment.
… If the class was on the dashboard previously, but is now missing:
Please go to the ‘Courses’ tab, then click ‘All Courses.’ Check all the subjects listed, as even unpublished classes will appear.
If the class was unpublished, please raise the concern with your professor, as the ATS team does not have the authority to publish classes without the professor’s knowledge/consent. If you have been removed from the class but do not know why, please let UNITAS Connect know and they will forward your concern to the Registrar’s Office.