Your Perfect Blend

Let your students know if your class will be onsite or online.

Professor: Inspired by the practice of professors from the University of the East (UE)

Intended Learning Outcome: Include the intended delivery/modality (and resources) of each class session.

Curious about which modalities might be best suited to the class activities you have in mind? You can check out this article on determining your “perfect blend” of modalities based on the primary impact you wish to achieve.

This is a sample syllabus from UE.

U.N.I.T.A.S. Design Principles demonstrated in this design pattern

Understands the learnerThis design pattern helps the learner keep track of which modality will be used for which class session.
Nurtures student well-beingIf the student knows the class will be held onsite or online, they can plan accordingly. Whether this is their commute, their access to Internet, etc.
Thoughtfully doneThe syllabus should be complete with all necessary details.
Achieves learning goalsThe resources should align with the modality and the intended learning outcomes.

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