Last September 11, CTL held its first Learning Lab session for the academic year 2024-2025, featuring the New Analytics of Canvas LMS. Having observed the utilization trends for the past four years, CTL saw a great improvement in how teachers adopted Canvas into their teaching-and-learning. Courses are better prepared each year, informing us that teachers are able to integrate Canvas better into their subjects. With this evidence of teachers having a growing understanding of its potential to enhance teaching and learning, CTL believes that teachers are also ready to learn new Canvas tools to better understand how students learn, and how they can provide better support for it.

After the information session, the Lab participants tinkered with the New Analytics in their courses, and we got the following observations and insights:
- Dr. Angel Antonio (SED) checked for the Halo effect regarding highest and lowest graded students – good news, he grades fairly!
- Dr. Stella Urbiztondo (BPA; former Chair of PE) observed that there is no difference in performance between sections scheduled in the morning vs the afternoon for PE classes.
- Ms. Andrea Abulencia and Dr. Theta Ponce (JC) both noticed that grades would dip during midterms season.
- Mr. Rosh Uttamchandani (SCM) observed that participation is directly correlated with views, with the theory that perhaps students only check pages containing or related to requirements. His takeaway is that this could be an opportunity to make other pages more engaging with unit summaries, or with a gamification element, so that students will go through all course content.
- Mr. JM Serica (SMN) noted that students with higher grades have less participation, and that they finish more quickly.
- Ms. Danes Calantuan-Mejos (CAS) observed a particular student with 1,000 views but with a grade of about 50%, so maybe that particular case might already need some kind of intervention.

It was refreshing to see all the participants engaged and thoughtfully observing the available data they have in their courses. CTL is confident that teachers have yet another reason to use Canvas more.

In case you missed this, feel free to book a session with us. Kindly send an email to [email protected].
Related Resources:
Canvas video guide of New Analytics
Recording of the Learning Lab session of New Analytics