All Student Resources
Guide Name

When I contract COVID or experience vaccine side effects
Some things to do and remember when you or a family member contracts COVID or if you experience vaccine side effects.

Common Canvas Issues
Quick links to commonly asked questions about Canvas.

When I’m not receiving notifications when new assignments or quizzes are published
Maybe you still have to set up your Notification settings!

When I can’t access the next module or activity
Check to see if your professor set up prerequisites before you can move on!

When my completed/past courses are still on my dashboard
Some courses may not have been concluded in Canvas System yet. In this case, there’s a quick fix to hide your completed courses from your Dashboard.

When my class is missing from my dashboard
Check to see if the course is listed under “All Courses” (both published and unpublished courses should appear here).

When I can’t log into my Canvas account
This is a question we often get asked! Make sure that you are following these steps: Make sure you are using the latest version of

How to recover from academic burnout
Read up on 3 useful strategies to bounce back from academic burnout.

How to study effectively
What does psychology say about different study techniques? Check out this article to learn some new tips and tricks!

How to deliver effective and memorable presentations
Hear what TED experts have to say about structuring and delivering your presentations and slide decks.

Google Workspace for Education
All you need to know about Google Workspace for Education

Canvas 101 for Students
If you’ve never used Canvas or want to brush up on its features, this course should help you navigate your way through!
Canvas 101 for Students
If you’ve never used Canvas or want to brush up on its features, this course should help you navigate your way through!
Common Canvas Issues
Quick links to commonly asked questions about Canvas.
Google Workspace for Education
All you need to know about Google Workspace for Education
How to deliver effective and memorable presentations
Hear what TED experts have to say about structuring and delivering your presentations and slide decks.
How to recover from academic burnout
Read up on 3 useful strategies to bounce back from academic burnout.
How to study effectively
What does psychology say about different study techniques? Check out this article to learn some new tips and tricks!
Quick Links for Students
Easy access to some links you may want to bookmark!
When I can’t access the next module or activity
Check to see if your professor set up prerequisites before you can move on!
When I can’t log into my Canvas account
This is a question we often get asked! Make sure that you are following these steps: Make sure you are using the latest version of
When I contract COVID or experience vaccine side effects
Some things to do and remember when you or a family member contracts COVID or if you experience vaccine side effects.
When I’m not receiving notifications when new assignments or quizzes are published
Maybe you still have to set up your Notification settings!
When my class is missing from my dashboard
Check to see if the course is listed under “All Courses” (both published and unpublished courses should appear here).
When my completed/past courses are still on my dashboard
Some courses may not have been concluded in Canvas System yet. In this case, there’s a quick fix to hide your completed courses from your Dashboard.