Your Perfect Blend
Let your students know if your class will be onsite or online!

Whiteboarding with Google Slides
Miss the post-its and manila paper you could use in the f2f classroom? Try this out!

When my completed/past courses are still on my dashboard
Some courses may not have been concluded in Canvas System yet. In this case, there’s a quick fix to hide your completed courses from your Dashboard.

When my class is missing from my dashboard
Check to see if the course is listed under “All Courses” (both published and unpublished courses should appear here).

When I’m not receiving notifications when new assignments or quizzes are published
Maybe you still have to set up your Notification settings!

When I contract COVID or experience vaccine side effects
Some things to do and remember when you or a family member contracts COVID or if you experience vaccine side effects.

When I can’t log into my Canvas account
This is a question we often get asked! Make sure that you are following these steps: Make sure you are using the latest version of

When I can’t access the next module or activity
Check to see if your professor set up prerequisites before you can move on!

What do you Meme?
Get some laughs by having students translate their learnings into memes.

Simplify your research process. Highlight & organize your research with Weava.

Virtual Index Card
A digital twist on a common classroom practice.

Unsplash and Pexels
Resources for free, high resolution, and aesthetic images and videos.

UA&P Course Templates
This course contains tutorials and templates so you can customize your Courses and bring their course designs and functionalities to the next level!

Tips for a Less Painful Grading Session
An article that tackles best practices for grading, with links to more in-depth grading practices from other universities’ CTL units.

The Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Balancing Act
An article that gives insights on how to use asynchronous materials to enrich synchronous classes. It also offers questions you can ask yourself when deciding whether to make an activity synchronous or asynchronous.

Terminology Tournament
Activate students’ prior knowledge and ask them to think critically about what the definition of a term might be, before revealing what the actual definition is.

Find a high-quality, educational video on any topic and share it with your class.

Study Tours
Go out of town or make it an international trip! Study Tours are a great way to make learning go beyond the four walls of the classroom.

Staying Connected Through a Pandemic – 15 Minutes at a Time
An article on how professors can go about conducting online office hours.

Engage your participants with live polls, Q&A, quizzes and word clouds
— whether you meet in the office, online or in-between.

Choose a template that matches the purpose or theme of your presentation.

Show and Tell
Perhaps you can share something – an item, a video, an experience – to bring concepts to life in the classroom?

Short Papers
Gauge whether your students understood the lesson through bite-sized essays.

Screenshare Strategies
Have students screenshare their work as a check-in during synchronous sessions to make sure they’re still engaged with the class.

Recorded Discussions
See how your students work together to achieve class assignments and projects.

Reading Analysis & Reports
Have students report on readings – from what they know, to what they do not know.

Reaction Videos
Have your students react to different forms of media using this popular Youtube video format. Details Professor: Dr. Al Hiquiana, Mitzi Icasiano, Roshan Uttamchandani,Subject: MEMELEC002

Radio Show Lesson
Spice up your online classes with a pre-made script meant to feel like a radio show or live podcast!

Quick Links for Students
Easy access to some links you may want to bookmark!

Project Brief
Create a “roadmap” that your students can go back to as they complete their projects.

Post-Class Processing
Get immediate feedback on your lectures and other class activities.

Pomofocus is a customizable Pomodoro timer that works on desktop & mobile browser. The aim of this app is to help you focus on any task you are working on.

Picture Essays
Want to try something different from the normal written essay? Consider having your students express their thoughts through pictures instead!

We give you an empty page – a padlet – and you can put whatever you like on it. Drag in a video, snap a selfie, write your own text posts or upload some documents, and voilà! A padlet is born.

On The Spot Surveys
Get the students off their chairs and ask them to do quick, street surveys in relation to the lesson.

Use Miro’s infinite canvas for collaborative whiteboarding, brainstorming, planning, and more!

Mini Classes
If you’re having a difficult time getting a large class engaged online, maybe you can try to “divide and conquer.”

Make Blended Learning Work
We asked our students about their experience so far with our pilot semester for blended learning. Here’s what we found!

Use Lucidchart to create flowcharts & diagrams online and to visualize ideas, make charts, diagrams & more.

Lessons Learned from Assessing Students in a Pandemic
The article shares anecdotes from professors who emphasize the importance of compassion in the virtual classroom and give practical tips on how to apply this to class activities and materials. The article also touches briefly on the concept of Assurance of Learning.

Lecture Commentaries
Worried you missed something in your lecture? Practice writing commentaries that your students can check, to make sure they understand exactly what you mean.

Learning Activity Tracker
A useful tracker for you and your students.

Know Thyself
Help students know themselves better and apply what they’ve learned to their own lives.

Make instruction more engaging remotely and in class, improve student outcomes and attendance, and collaborate with colleagues on learning content.

How to study effectively
What does psychology say about different study techniques? Check out this article to learn some new tips and tricks!

How to recover from academic burnout
Read up on 3 useful strategies to bounce back from academic burnout.

How to Design and Teach a Hybrid Class
An article that defines what a “hybrid class” can mean, with useful tips on different classroom activities that can be done within a hybrid class.

How to deliver effective and memorable presentations
Hear what TED experts have to say about structuring and delivering your presentations and slide decks.

Guided Reading
Learn how to facilitate in-class reading sessions that can work for even technical text.

Group Reviewers
Have students work together to create class reviewers!

Google Workspace for Education
All you need to know about Google Workspace for Education

Give Your Brain a Break—Course Design Tips to Avoid Feeling Overwhelmed
An article that gives 5 tips on how to design courses that can lessen the mental drain on you and your students.

Game Masters
If you want to encourage your students’ creativity and fun-loving spirit, try letting them be game masters for the day!

Exam Wrappers
Help students reflect before and after an upcoming assessment to ease their minds and help them learn!

Engaging Students on the First Day and Every Day
An article with easy to follow tips on getting to know your students, encouraging class participation, and creating meaningful lectures and activities.

Energize Your Online Course with Group Work
An article on how to make the most of the breakout room feature, particularly in terms of having group activities in class.

Encouraging Student Participation Online—and Assessing It Fairly
An article on grading participation in an online setting. This includes tips on using different video conferencing features, and grading the quieter, more introverted students.

Incorporate questions into Youtube videos, or upload & edit your own instructional videos!

Daily Beadle
Is there awkward silence when you ask a question in class? Maybe you can try having a beadle who can help gather class questions.

Common Canvas Issues
Quick links to commonly asked questions about Canvas.

Class Concepts in Film
Help students draw out meaning from the films they watch.

Choose your Fighter
Allow your students some freedom – maybe they can choose the topic of that paper, or choose to forego the paper entirely and create something new and entirely theirs.

Get to know your students to better inform your lessons and activities.

Canvas Explorer
Make sure your students understand how Canvas works, and know where to find the materials they need to succeed in your class.

Canvas 101 for Students
If you’ve never used Canvas or want to brush up on its features, this course should help you navigate your way through!

Easily scan documents and/or hard copy resources and save as PDF or images on your phone.

Be Our Guest
Let your students listen to the rich experiences and sound advice of a professional from their industry.

Asking Students the Right Questions
Are your students nervous to recite in class? Try checking out these tips!

Are your exams motivating students to succeed or to cheat?
An article that covers tips on encouraging academic integrity in your exams.

Advice for Being a Caring But Firm Educator
An article that gives tips on exercising compassion in the classroom, drawing ideas from the experiences of managers in the workplace.

A One-of-a-Kind Problem
Worried that your students might be passing answers around? Try giving them customized assessments, and maybe they can work together!

7 Things Teachers Say to Create a Supportive Classroom
An article that shares simple phrases that can help encourage and build connections with students.